Matt Thomas

Matt Thomas self-published his first poetry and collage zine, ‘Fractured Free Verse’ in 1985. Since then, he has unleashed numerous pamphlets, zines, booklets, comics and what can only be described as ephemera on an unsuspecting and largely unaffected world. In Seattle, many years ago, he performed in a weekly poetry slam in a cocktail bar, and on one occasion won enough money to buy a round of drinks. More recently he has read in Plymouth with WonderZoo, Deadbeat Writers and Cross Country writers.

As a visual artist, Matt’s work has been exhibited throughout the South West, Seattle, Singapore, and in various mail-art projects worldwide. He is currently one of the directors of Royal Adelaide Art & Yoga CIC, in Plymouth. Originally from the Seattle area, He has lived in the UK for 22 years. He is very left-handed. What I Thought About…is his first collection.